Pick-Up/Drop-Off Info
Important Dismissal Information
Dismissal is our community's time to shine. School is dismissed at 3:45 pm. Through kindness and patience we can ensure a safe environment for our students during our dismissal process. We need your help being good neighbors and maintaining safe driving conditions during our dismissal time. Our staff works hard to efficiently load cars while ensuring the safety of each and every child. And, we need to keep the traffic on the roads near campus moving. We need your help making this happen.
Car Riders
- If you drive your child to school, we need your help making the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up as safe as possible. Please help us ensure the safety of your child by using the designated car loop. Students must remain in their vehicle until greeted by a staff member.
- In the morning, 15 minutes prior to and until the start of the school day, there will be staff members meeting and directing students. For your child’s safety, please do not drop students off until staff supervision has arrived.
- If you arrive after the start of school, please park and walk your child to the office to check in.
- Bus Stop Lookup Tool: The most up-to-date information is on the SBLSD Transportation page. Please follow this link to find the latest information on bus routes.
- Bus passes: We are unable to allow students to ride a different bus when wanting to, for example, go home with a friend or be dropped off at a grandparent's house.
Silent Dismissal is an end of day dismissal system that will continue to be in effect when we return to school. This program will allow the school the ability to dismiss students from inside the classroom, as their parent/guardian arrives for pick up. This greatly reduces the number of students in a designated area, while increasing safety and accountability. It is a secure system and we are very excited to continue using it.
Here’s how it works:
Parents/Guardians will be provided with 'parent car tags' to be placed on the passenger side dashboard. Each tag will have a code, unique to your family, including all students within that family. When families arrive for pick up (via car or on foot), a staff member will enter the number located on your tag. Notification of pick up will then appear in your child’s classroom, letting your student(s) know they are dismissed to go to the designated pick up area.
Here are the basic procedures for silent dismissal:
- Parent/guardian arrives on campus
- Student/Family tag number is entered by staff into a mobile device.
- Server processes information & routes to classroom(s) to notify student(s).
- Student sees name projected /teacher notifies student of dismissal
- Student leaves the classroom for the designated pick up zone.
- Student leaves with the parent/guardian.
Important points to remember:
Please have your pick up tag with you every day. If your child is going home with a different person or car, please make sure that you have notified the office and that the other person picking up has the pick up tag. If you need additional tags please notify the main office.
Your student will receive a tag that will be attached to their backpack on the first day of school. This tag will be used everyday for dismissal to scan students out.
If a car comes through the dismissal line or a parent arrives for in-person pick up without the tag, the driver will be obligated to park and wait until dismissal has ended. At the end of dismissal, school personnel will check identification and verify Skyward permissions to manually release the student from the classroom. There will be no exceptions (even if you know your number). Students can not be picked up in the main office.
All dismissal changes must be reported to the office by 2:30 pm.
Please do not arrive on campus prior to 3:30 pm. Arriving earlier than 3:30 pm creates a safety hazard blocking access to emergency personnel.
Please understand this program was purchased with the safety of our children in mind. It is imperative we are all on the same page and adhere to these dismissal procedures.
Pick Up Number
- All families will receive a pick up number even if you child rides the bus. The pick up number is only used for pick up and not for bus riders. Families that have multiple students will have the same pick up number for all of their children.
- If you are planning to pick your child up on a regular basis, please place your pick up number in the front window on the passenger side. This number quickly allows our staff to tell which child is being picked up and helps maintain safety.
Having more families carpool, walk, or have their children ride the bus will reduce the number of cars entering campus, which should allow the buses to enter campus sooner, load sooner, and leave sooner. We appreciate your patience and support.